Student Government is made up of the Executive Board and the General Board of the four classes, each represented by a class president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and six representatives.

Elections for first year student officers and representatives and vacant seats occur in the Fall. Elections for all class officers and representatives occur in the Spring for the following year.

The Executive Board officers are elected by the General Board at the end of each Spring semester. The Mega Council Presidents and the Student Government President are elected in the Spring Semester. WUPB, MSC IRHC, and CC have open membership for anyone interested. Please email the respective president and show up at their next meeting to join!

Election Forms

Obtain Petition Papers, Election Guidelines and the sample letter of intent. Physical forms can be found outside the SG Office. Digital forms are available for download below.

These forms are necessary to be elected as a member of Student Government in a general election for class positions including officers and representatives. Please view the election guidelines, create a personal letter of intent and collect the required number of signatures for the position that you intend to be a nominee. Please note that all signatures must come from within your respective class.